These guy's are getting research money!
Dan Maynes-Aminzade and Hayes Solos Raffle have created some interesting (or stupid) devices at MIT's Media Lab. You're In Control (Urine Control) is a system that "computation to enhance the act of urination". Sensors placed on the back of a urinal detect the position of impact of a stream of urine and allow the users to play interactive games on a screen placed above the urinal. They even went to the trouble of making a fake penis so women could play. Dan has since gone on to work on Edible User Interfaces. The Bean Counter, a "low-resolution gustatory display" has six rods filled with jellybeans of different flavours which drop out onto plates allowing the user to taste the output rather than seeing it. The Taste Screen mixes a series of up to 20 various flavour agents and then drips them onto the screen, where the user than can sample the flavour by, you guessed it, licking the screen. Imagine the er.. possibilities.
- You're In Control (Urine Control) - (With Videos :/)
- Edible User Interfaces
- MIT Media Lab
- Dan Maynes-Aminzade
- Hayes Solos Raffle
[Via. We Make Money Not Art]
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