Friday, May 06, 2005

Virtualised Reality

Scientists at Berkely have developed a way of rapidly mapping sections of city which they have dubbed "virtualised reality". Its done by scanning the landscape using lasers mounted on a truck or plane which measure distances to objects, while a digital camera captures 2D information for texture purposes. The speed at which this can take place is fast. The scientitst did a test run in downtown Berkely which took 4½ hours - 26 minutes of driving plus 4 hours of data processing. The technology will have military applications as well as possible civil navigation possibilities.

- The speedy way to capture a city

[Via. We Make Money Not Art]


At 1:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw something like this used to map the inside of a tomb at the Valley of the Kings. It was mounted on a tripod and it spun around really quickly and slowly lowered itself. Pretty cool :)


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