Christoph Steinbrener & Rainer Dempf are creating a installation piece which will extend over Neubaugasse, a shopping strip in Vienna, in partnership with the Vienna Economic Chamber. The pair intend to cover "advertising signs, slogans, pictograms, company names and logos" with a monochrome tone. This technique has been done before in manipulated photography, but it is the first time it will be translated to the real.
“Delete” will entail a very likely unique cooperation of all resident shopkeepers with a spectacular art project, a cooperation that has been made possible by the shopping street management unit of the Vienna Economic Chamber. For a period of two weeks, the entrepreneurs will renounce their identities to become part of a large-scale installation.
The exhibition will run over 6 – 20 June 2005, Neubaugasse, 1070 Vienna

[Via. Art MoCo]