Lego Fuchikoma
Got shown this guys lego flikr site, and there are some AWESOME customs, but my favorite are the Fuchikoma's from 'Ghost in the Shell'.
- bricklovinfreakboy's photos
[Thanks Rory]
Is it Interesting or is it Stupid? This site is a collection of Gadgets, Designs, Games, Art and other curiosities I find over the web. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy making it. If you have anything you think is Interesting (or Stupid) let me know at
Got shown this guys lego flikr site, and there are some AWESOME customs, but my favorite are the Fuchikoma's from 'Ghost in the Shell'.
- bricklovinfreakboy's photos
[Thanks Rory]
This is just plain freaky. Van Sowerwine has made a interactive doll animation which does some extremely disturbing things. (Note: Make sure you wait for the whole movie to finish loading before you interact)
- Play With Me
[EDIT: seems its been taken down due to bandwidth issues]
[Via. Boing Boing]
Split reason have a bunch of gamer and geek related clothing. Go get your geek on.
- Split Reason
[Via. Wonderland]
Science Museum, UK, has a Hitchhiker's Guide exhibition, and to go with it is a mini flash game called '42'. Its pretty fun.
- 42
[Via. Wonderland]
Theres a online gallery of the Princeton University first annual Art of Science competition.
- Art of Science
[Via. Future Feeder]
GamePressure have a collection of over two thousand classic and contemporary video game ads for you to watch. You can browse them by country, platform or timeline. Go relive some retro gaming goodness.
- Video Game Ads
[Via. We Make Money Not Art]
Art collective Greyworld have created several robotic bins and benches to be placed in a piazza in Cambridge. The solar powered furniture is free to move around, they respond to members of the public and other factors, and each piece has its own personality.
The benches like to be say on, it makes them happier. To achieve this they will move about and flock together into interesting arrangements to attract people, and when it rains they will attempt to find drier places in the square.
The bins will move about and chuckle, but prefer to be solitary. They move about to find a quiet space to occupy.
When the mood takes them the furniture likes to sing, including forming harmonies if collected in a group. Occasionally the bins will join in too. Sometimes a bin and a bench will become attracted to each other, and will giggle and make rude noises.
- Singing benches let loose in city
- The Junction
- Greyworld
[Via. We Make Money Not Art]